Monday, January 5, 2009

69th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Here are some pictures of my very first historical miniatures, a regiment of Civil War Federal infantry. The miniatures are 10mm and from a company called GHQ. This particular unit represents the 69th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment (led by Colonel Robert Nugent), the first regiment of the famed Irish Brigade. I even included their distinctive green regimental flag, which depicts the sun peeking out from the clouds above a golden harp.

Each model represents roughly 10-15 men. The dime is just there to give a sense of size and scale. The individual models are about 10mm from the bottom of their feet to their eyes. In the future I will post a step by step process showing my method for painting them. Let me know what you think.

69th New York 69th New York 69th New York 69th New York 69th New York 69th New York

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